Documents institutionnels

Les documents institutionnels des Églises protestantes et fédérations d'Églises relatifs à l'écologie et la justice climatique, des années 1960 à nos jours.

Conférence des Eglises Européennes (KEK / CEC)

Paix et justice pour la création entière – Document du rassemblement œcuménique européen « Paix et Justice », 15-21 mai 1989 à Bâle.

Communion Mondiale d'Églises Réformées

Fédération Luthérienne Mondiale

  • 1977 – Recommendation on Environment and Global Stewardship, Sixth LWF Assembly in Dar El Salaam, Tanzania
  • 1984 – Statement on caring for God’s endangered creation, Seventh LWF Assembly in Budapest, Hungary
  • 1990 – Commitment to support the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil and popular ecological movements in their endeavor to defend the Amazon, Eighth LWF Assembly in Hong Kong, China
  • 1991 – Affirm the participation of the LWF in the preparations for the Brazil 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development LWF Council meeting, Chicago
  • 1992 – Message to the churches: “Crisis in Environment and Development” following Earth Summit, LWF Council meeting, Madras
  • 1995 – Program Committee for World Service informs on development of a policy on environment, LWF Council meeting, Namibia
  • 2003 – Proposal for LWF to initiate environmental actions relating to climate change and call on all countries to sign the Kyoto Protocol. Ninth LWF Assembly in Winnipeg, Canada
  • 2004 – Statement on LWF’s commitment to preserve the integrity of creation
  • 2007 – Explore possibilities for theological, spiritual, and ethical reflection on urgent environmental challenges, LWF Council meeting, Geneva
  • 2008 – Resolution on Climate Change: “Melting snow on Mount Kilimanjaro: a witness of a suffering creation” LWF Council meeting, Arusha, Tanzania
  • 2009 – Measures to reiterate the call from the 2008 Council meeting LWF Council meeting, Geneva
  • 2010 – Resolution on Climate Change, LWF Assembly in Stuttgart, Germany
  • 2012 – Resolution on Rio+20, LWF Council meeting in Bogota, Colombia
  • 2013 – Recall past Public Statement and Resolutions, LWF Council meeting in Geneva
  • 2014 – Public Statement on Climate Justice: “Fasting for the climate – A Lutheran Perspective”, LWF Council meeting, Medan Indonesia
  • 2015 – Public Statement on Advocacy and Action for Climate Change, LWF Council meeting, Geneva
  • 2017 – Resolution on Climate Change, Twelfth LWF Assembly in Windhoek, Namibia
  • 2018 – LWF Public Statement for UN climate change conference in Bonn, Germany


Conseil Œcuménique des Églises

Déclarations du Comité Exécutif et du Comité Central


Déclarations des Assemblées


Documents de la Commission Foi et Constitution


Documents des programmes du COE


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